Tantric Massages in Velka Spa

Velka spa we are a spa that offers a unique experiencie of tantric massages, which will help you release tensions and emotional blockages, as well as awaken your sexual energy and balance it with the rest of your body. we are experts in miraflores massagues, the only place where you can feel satisfied and on the moon


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Massages in Miraflores

Velka Spa,we are the best spa in massges tántric

for gentlemen in miraflores lima we are passionate about providing our clients whit the best relaxation experiencie whit the best massages tántric for demanding people like you.

we urderstand the life can be stressful and whit want tu help you find your inner peace and balance our team of certified massage therapists have the experiencie to provide you whit a personalized massage experiencie that will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.our goal is to create and atmosphere of tranquility so that you can truly relax an enjoy your session.massages tántric.

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masajes tantricos

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Massage Tantric

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Why choose Velka Spa to perform tantric massages in Miraflores?

velka spa a tantric massages center in miraflores is the ideal option for those looking for and experiencie of relaxation and deep conecction whit their body and mind.we offer a professional service adapted to tha needs of each, client in welcoming and safe environment

Additionally we make sure to maintain the privacy and confindentiality of our clients throughout the entire procces.in our tantric massage center ,we guarantee you a unique and transformative expereincie that will allow you to reach a state of deep relaxation anhd discovber new sensations


What does it include when I have a tantric massage?

tantric masssages is massages practice that originates from tantric philosophy and focuses on the connection between body,mind and sexual energy,it is a relaxing massage that is performend on the entire body,and that focuses on awakening sexual energy and channeling it to other parts of the body,to achieve a state of balance and harmony.

during a tantric massage session,the therapist uses gentle,slow massage techniques on the entire body, including the erongenous zones,whit the goal of awakening sexual energy and helping to balance and harmonize the entire energy system. additionally breathing and meditation techniques are used to help relax the mind and body.

Can I choose masseuses?

yeah. at velka spa we have several beautiful, peruvian and professional masseuses, you can choose the one of your preference, if you want to receive the massage with a masseuse of your preference it is better to make a reservation in advance

What is the cost of tantric massages in Miraflores?

tantric massages in our establishment are charged in advance and before starting the therapy. we also accept all means of electronic payment,yape,plin,visa mastercand and cash

What is Thai massage? Does Velka Spa perform it?

thai massage is a massage techinque taht uses stretching, compression and pressure on specific points on the body to help release tension and improve blood circulation,it is aunique and different massage experiencie that can help improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

yes, at velka spa we perform thai massages.








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